Christmas is for Kids 2025
We are an all-volunteer run program that provides new gifts for children in the communities of Attleboro, North Attleboro, Plainville, Norton, Seekonk, and Rehoboth who would otherwise go without on Christmas Day. All monetary donations are used to support the Christmas is for Kids Program. We provide new toys and clothes to approximately 1,000 local children each year, thanks to your generosity and support! During the first two weeks of December, you can help make magic happen. Volunteers work tirelessly behind the scenes to organize and distribute the wonderful holiday packages to local families. There are typically two 3-hour shifts each day and Saturdays as we get close to the holidays. Volunteers are free to work as many shifts as they like. Training will be on November 15 from 9-11 am at the drop-off center.
Who Do We Help?
Christmas is for Kids accepts applications from parents, guardians, as well as through social workers from the MA Department of Children and Families, Catholic Social Services, the Family Resource Center, Kennedy Donovan Center, Journey Home, the Literacy Center, Young Parents Program, Transitional Living Program, New Hope, the Attleboro Center, Robbins Children’s Program, and the Seekonk and Rehoboth Council on Aging’s Social Service Departments. Each family is carefully screened to ensure that a real need exists.
Parents: Parents or guardians can apply for the CIFK program here after Oct 1, 2025. Please note the requirements outlined on the application. A few additional bits of information to be aware of when filling out the child’s wishlist:
When you fill out the story sheet, please include one item that the child would love. Further into the sheet, you can give us more details around special needs or favorite sports team, etc.
Our plan is to reach out to parents as soon as your application is received to let you know that we are working on your children's gifts. We will call you to if we have questions about your application or if it is incomplete. We will send a letter confirming the day and time to pick up the gifts.
Returning parents are required to adhere to class requirements.